F*ck Cancer (Mixtape) Charmingly Ghetto

Download Link: http://www.sharebeast.com/h3zxm37m7u7d
Stream Link: http://soundcloud.com/teamreup/01-a-t-b-prod-by-atg

Boston’s Own Charmingly Ghetto featured on F*ck Cancer Mixtape.

This project is to help raise Cancer awareness in the Hip-Hop community. This tape represents the struggles of fighting cancer and the glory of beating cancer. The songs we’ve compiled from some of the best up & coming hip hop artists can be helpful for the patient, a friend or family member. It is also great music for the casual listener and we hope that you understand what this tape stands for.

Featured artists include HavKnott Republik (Scolla & K-Bunz), Playboy Tre, Marky, Frank Ramz, Dee Goodz, K. Sparks, NatStar, Wordsmith, Yung Nate, Wes Coas & Anonamas, Skyblew, Shortman Score, Charmingly Ghetto, P. Dukes, & Jones Andrews.

Please join our cancer research team and help donate http://www.standup2cancer.org/custom/?c=team&a=index&id=5607. Any amount helps.

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