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Boston has a lot more to offer than just “throw your threes” platitudes. Evilldewer is on the cutting edge. A sound unlike any other in the Bean, the closest comparison is a synthesis of the experimental rhythms explored by Dilla and Madlib mixed with hardcore knocking of east coast stalwarts like MOP and Celph Titled. His newest release “Soul De Rey II” is an effortless blend of hard-hitting syncopated drum patterns and transient nuances. The next installment in the eponymous series ( Evilldewer is Wesley REYes), part two is a further exploration of a new side of hip-hop. Away from the cliched beats and rhymes that plagues so much of Boston and American hip-hop in, Soul De Rey II is forward thinking, though acknowledges the past. By definition hip-hop is a blend of all music, a genre which takes in everything around it to output a new perspective on what exists. Soul De Rey II exemplifies this definition and shows how truly diverse the genre can be.